A. Pre-Screening:

PIA is to conduct a robust and thorough pre-screening of the candidates to ascertain which job role matches with their prior knowledge and experience most and to identify knowledge gaps, if any. The pre-screening process is divided into two parts:

Part 1: Collection of supporting documentation and evidence from the candidate:

Personal information required as per the SDMS requirement, and the supporting documentation that may be available for the job role.

In case of RPL with Bridge training funded by BOCW, PIA has to ensure the collection of requisite documents establishing BOCW registration of the candidate.

Part 2: Candidate self-assessment:

  1. PIA will design a self-assessment sheet for each job role. Questions are to be based on the Core NOSs of the job role.
  2. PIAs are to evaluate the existing skill sets and experience of the candidates based on the pre-screening format for each job role. PIAs shall conduct the candidate self-assessment for each candidate.

B. Final Assessment:

  • PIA to identify SSC (or the successor National Board for Skill Certification) accredited AAs to conduct the Final Assessment of the candidates. There should be no overlap in the functions of the Assessment Agency and the PIAs engaged for the project.
  • Marks scored in the Core NOSs of a QP will be given 70% weightage in the total score.
  • The remaining 30% weightage will be from the Non-Core NOSs.

For example: A QP has five NOSs (three Core and two Non-Core). A candidate scores 240 marks out of 300 in the three Core NOS, and 160 out of 200 in the two Non-Core NOSs. The total score of the candidate will be (240/300 x 70) + (160/200 x 30) = 80 out of 100.

  • The pass percentage for a QP based on the NSQF Levels is outlined below:
    • For NSQF Level 3 minimum 50 % required for passing a QP
    • For NSQF Level 4 & above 70 % required for passing a QP
  • A candidate who achieves greater than or equal to the pass percentage mentioned in above for a QP shall be awarded the Skill Certificate and Mark sheet. Certified candidates will receive a Grade (A/B/C) on their Skill Certificates (as per the grading criteria).
  • A candidate who achieves less than the pass percentage mentioned for a QP shall receive only the mark sheet and to be encouraged to undergo regular Training under Domain Skilling.
  • Candidates eligible for the Skill Certificate shall also be provided Grades (A/B/C) as mentioned below-
  • Grades for NSQF Level 3
    • A - 85% and above
    • B - > 70% to < 85%
    • C - 50% to 70%
  • Grades for NSQF Levels 4 and above
    • A - 85% and above
    • B- 70% to < 85 %

Note: For any candidates who fail in the assessment process, there will not be any re-assessment process for such candidates. However, they can opt for mainstream domain skilling to get trained and certified.

Requirement of ToT Certified Trainer:

The Trainer must be SSC certified trainer for Orientation and Bridge Course Classes.