Site Hits : 10622620

Sr. No. Stage Last Date of Completion
1 Start  September 07, 2018
2 Declare Address Details(AO) September 07, 2018
3 Declare Course(AO) September 07, 2018
4 Recommendation on Location and Course By DMT December 03, 2018
5 Approval on Location and Course By SMT December 21, 2018
6 Payment December 29, 2018
7 Declare Bank Details(AO) January 11, 2019
8 Declare Profile and PAN Details January 11, 2019
9 Declare Premise Details(AO) January 11, 2019
10 Declare Peripheral Details(AO) January 11, 2019
11 Declare Center HR Personnel Details (AO) January 11, 2019
12 Upload Documents(AO) January 11, 2019
13 Declare Infrastructure And Associate With Course(AO) January 11, 2019
14 Declare Trainer And Associate With Course(AO) January 11, 2019
15 Declare Equipment List And Associate With Course(AO) January 11, 2019
16 Declare Intake And Associate With Course(AO) January 11, 2019
17 Verification of Bank Details(BY DMT) January 23, 2019
18 Correct Bank Details(AO) January 23, 2019
19 Re-verify Bank Details(DMT) January 23, 2019
20 Verification of Profile and PAN details January 23, 2019
21 Correct Profile And PAN Details January 23, 2019
22 Re-Verify Profile And PAN Details January 23, 2019
23 Verification of Premise Details(By DMT) January 23, 2019
24 Correct Premise Details(AO) January 23, 2019
25 Re-verify Premise Details(DMT) January 23, 2019
26 Verification of Peripheral Details(By DMT) January 23, 2019
27 Correct Peripheral Details(AO) January 23, 2019
28 Re-verify Peripheral Details(DMT) January 23, 2019
29 Verification of Center HR Personnel Details(By DMT) January 23, 2019
30 Correct Center HR Personnel Details(AO) January 23, 2019
31 Re-verify Center HR Personnel Details(DMT) January 23, 2019
32 Verification of Documents(BY DMT) January 23, 2019
33  Correct Uploaded Documents(AO) January 23, 2019
34  Re-verify Uploaded Documents(DMT) January 23, 2019
35   Verification of Infrastructure And Course Infrastructure Association(By DMT) January 23, 2019
36  Correct Infrastructure And Course Infrastructure Association(AO) January 23, 2019
37  Re-verify Infrastructure And Course Infrastructure Association(By DMT) January 23, 2019
38  Verification of Trainer And Course Trainer Association(By DMT) January 23, 2019
39   Correct Trainer And Course Trainer Association(BY DMT) January 23, 2019
40  Re-verify Trainer And Course Trainer Association(By DMT) January 23, 2019
41  Verification of Equipment List And Course Equipment Association(By DMT) January 23, 2019
42   Correct Equipment List And Course Equipment List Association(AO) January 23, 2019
43   Re-verify Equipment List And Course Equipment List Association(By DMT) January 23, 2019
44  Verification of Intake And Course Intake Association(BY DMT) January 23, 2019
45  Correct Intake List And Course Intake Association(AO) January 23, 2019
46  Re-verify Intake List And Course Intake Association(DMT) January 23, 2019
47  Upload Center Visit Proof(DMT) January 27, 2019
48  Recommendation By DMT February 01, 2019
49  Final Approval By SMT February 05, 2019
50  End February 06, 2019

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