Kushal Yuva Program (KYP) is a part of one of the “7 commitments” namely “Aarthik Hal, Yuvaon ko Bal”. This program is targeted at all aspirants in the age group of 15-28 years (Age limit for SC/ST, OBC & People with Disabilities is as follows: SC/ST - 33 years, OBC - 31 years, PwD - 33 years), who have passed at least 10th Class irrespective of their having attained higher education or their currently pursuing higher education.Through this program, BSDM intends to enhance the employability of these youth of Bihar.

Strategy of KYP:

The strategy is to address the following four major challenges in the skill development ecosystem:

Increase in training capacity:

  • Minimum one Skill development centre (SDC) in each of the 534 blocks for imparting training in soft skills.
  • A strong pool of certified trainers will be developed through a mandatory TrainersOnline Certification (OnCET) programme.

Access: Increase in access

  • SDC at each Block would mean getting training centre to the doorstep of the youth.
  • State wide social mobilization campaign would help increase the awareness which in-turn will result in higher access / participation
  • District Registration cum Counselling Centres at the district level will provide the requisite guidance to the youth to access the benefits of such a programme

Relevance: High relevance

  • Package of Life skills, Communications Skills (English & Hindi) and Basic computer literacy will increase the employability of youth
  • It will help in smooth shift from homes to places with high employment potential
  • Increase retention at workplace

Perception: The following would improve the perception

  • Qualified, experienced and certified trainers
  • Use of high quality content and E-Learning mode