Site Hits : 10624201

Course Details

  • Course Id :
  • Candidate Eligibility : Graduation
  • No. Of NOS (If QP) :
  • NSQF Level :
  • Cost Category : 2
  • Course Duration
    • Theory duration : 280
    • Practical duration : 500
    • On the Job Training: 0
    • Entrpreneurship & Softskills :
    • Total Course Duration : 780

Trainer Qualification Work Experience

Trainer Qualification Work Experience
  • Certified for Job Role: Trained In Filmmaking or related course minimum accepted 50%.
  • Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role: “Trained In Filmmaking with minimum accepted 50%
  • Alternatively, must have successfully undergone a CGSC organized TOT workshop on Filmmaking/Video production.
  • Minimum 10 years of experience in relevant job role and a Minimum of 10 years and Training experience in relevant job role. 
  • State Award, National Award or equivalent Award.

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